Put this into practice to raise your vibration frequency.

All this play a part in forgiveness.

1. Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the quickest ways to amp up your vibration. Try it right now—stop reading and look around the room. Turn your attention to what you are thankful for in this moment (there is always something). It might be your purring feline, the beautiful weather, or the fact that you were blessed with another day on this earth. As life coach Tony Robbins said, “You can’t feel fear or anger while feeling gratitude at the same time.” Therefore, when you feel yourself experiencing a low energy emotion, see if you can shift your attention to gratitude. Make gratitude a habit, and it will transform your outlook on life as you start to experience a spiritual awareness and appreciation for the little things.

2. Love

Call to mind someone who is easy to love, and hold that person in your heart. Visualize him or her sitting in front of you and notice how you feel. A feeling of expansion, lightness, and happiness will take over your being, and that right there is the shift you are looking for. Love is one of the highest vibrating states of being (the fourth highest level on the Hawkins’ scale of consciousness) and has the power to pull you out of even the deepest of ditches. Attune your heart to love and your energy will start to soar.

3. Generosity

Anytime you get stingy or greedy with anything (love, attention, money), it lowers your vibration and it feels bad. In fact, anytime you attach your happiness to something outside of yourself, it leaves you feeling the opposite of how you want to feel. The antidote is to be generous. Whatever you want more of in your life, offer it out to someone or something else. Feeling poor? Give a little money to charity. Feeling lonely? Make an effort to make a stranger smile. Don’t have enough time? Give your time to a good cause.

4. Meditation and Breathwork

Dr. Hawkins’ research was based on the idea that the more “true” something is, the higher its level of consciousness (or vibration). Therefore, when you train yourself to be present with the moment you are in, you resonate more harmoniously with the truth. The past and the future are only in your mind; the only truth is now. Meditating and breathing mindfully also calms your nervous system, improves your mood, and brings about greater feelings of peace—all high-vibe qualities that will benefit your state of being. This spiritual practice helps to raise your vibration level fast so that you can enjoy those benefits without delay.

What follow is forgiveness.

5. Forgiveness

According to Abraham-Hicks’ emotional guidance scale, blame is a low energy. Out of 22 emotions (arranged from highest vibration at number 1 to lowest at 22), blame is number 15. If you can work toward forgiveness, you will release yourself of this lower energy that can weigh on you like a bowling ball, and up the scale you will go.