We offer you a two day forgiveness course in Cape Town, Johannesburg, New York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Los Angeles, Chicago, Ontario, ‎Dublin and Auckland. Develop gratitude with grace, change your life with a universal truth. Letting go of resentment.

Tag: Forgive Yourself

Help You Heal Yourself

The solution to healing yourself lies in simplicity. I’ve listed some easy ways to start taking care of yourself again and live the life you deserve.

It’s not that we don’t know the following things… it’s just that with everything else going on we keep them in the background. And we need to be constantly reminded of them.

So here is a simple guide to the easy steps (in no particular order) that can help you with self-healing:

1. Accept yourself.

Most often the problem is that we don’t accept the person we are now. However, we have many other versions of the person we want to be, and we occasionally think of the person we used to be. That makes things even worse as we’re concentrating on unreal situations and thus lower our opinion of ourselves as we will never answer the expectations we have for the future us.

So let’s take a moment every now and then to accept ourselves for who we are. With our good and bad sides, with our past failures and mistakes. Let’s understand that this is exactly who we need to be at this moment and we are perfect.

Only then can we aim to achieve more and become another version of ourselves. Probably a better one. And then accept it again.

2. Don’t give up on what’s important to you.

Big dreams take time to come true. But if we stay motivated, have a definite desire and make an effort every day, they eventually become reality.

Unfortunately, we give up on them long before that moment has come. And then we feel disappointed of ourselves, we become full of regrets and will always think “What could it be like if we had kept working on our goal and achieved it?”. And that worsens the relationship we have with ourselves.

I urge you to keep what’s important to you. To cherish your goals, dreams and desires and spend time, energy and effort on them every now and then. Even if you don’t make big progress, you’re staying true to yourself and practicing self-healing.

3. Forgive yourself.

You may have failed. It may be you who caused something bad to happen, broke someone’s heart and left something you wanted incomplete. But living with the guilt, with that awful feeling of having made a mistake, is just harmful to your soul.

I’ve always said that one of the best qualities someone can acquire is the ability to easily forgive people no matter what they’ve done. It’s really hard, but this way you’re not only letting them live in peace, but also letting go of what has happened and moving on without the burden of the past.

The same applies to you when you’ve done something wrong. Don’t carry that emotional baggage with you in your future. There is just no point. That will only prevent you from living happily.

Forgiving yourself means being free from the regrets and disappointment that go along with your past mistakes. It means turning over a new leaf, giving yourself a chance to show the world how great you are and receiving the opportunity to do remarkable things with your life.

4. Don’t try to impress others.

I think everyone needs to see that for himself, but the sooner you realize it, the better. I’m talking about what other people think of you, whether they like you or not, and answering their expectations.

All that is a lost cause. You can spend years trying to make everyone like you and even when you become the perfect version of what society wants, there will still be a part of it that won’t approve you.

It’s just that there are so many people out there and everyone is completely unique, with his our understanding of the world. So stop trying to impress them and do what you like instead. Wear what you think looks good on you, behave the way you want and try to impress yourself only by being happier.

5. Listen to yourself.

That’s a bit similar to the previous item because we often find other people’s opinion of us to be more important than our own. And then our actions are a result of it.

That is a wrong way to live life and I think it would be much better if we listened to ourselves more often. That’s a wonderful self-healing process.

6. Be kind to yourself.

Don’t be too harsh! If you have failed, it’s okay. Accept it and move on.

If something hasn’t turned out the way you expected, it’s okay and probably wasn’t even under your control.

If you’ve cheated on your diet, just call it a day and make it a reward for what you’ve already achieved.

If you’ve disappointed yourself, get over it. You’ll do better next time.

Being kind to yourself is as important as forgiving. They are both processes that define what the relationship with your true self will be. And things will be brighter in the future if you make it a good one.

7. Trust yourself.

Make and keep the promises you make to yourself.

Losing trust in yourself usually occurs after failing in developing a new habit many times, procrastinating or not doing something important to you. You realize it’s all your fault because no outer factors play any role here.

You start criticizing yourself, lowering your self-esteem and lacking motivation to try new things because you think you’ll fail again.

Then it’s time to regain that trust and build the self-healing skill of turning each failure into a success.

You need to stop listening to the critical voice in your head for a start. It’s not right simply because it blames you for your failures, whereas they are just external events showing that your system is wrong.

The solution is to let past mistakes go and try again another way. Success is just around the corner.

8. Understand yourself.

Try to figure out the ‘why’ behind everything. Why you do what you do is an important thing to know so that you get to know yourself better.

Notice your thoughts and follow them. Analyze your desires and needs. Try to understand your behavior and then you’ll be able to be in harmony with it.

9. Appreciate yourself.

Be grateful for who you are. It took you a lot of time, hardships and experience to come to where you are. So appreciate your efforts and enjoy the person you’ve become.

10. Love yourself.

Simply love yourself. You choose whether you’ll always be wishing you were someone else and trying to hide your true nature, or rejoice it and make the best of it.

FAQ on How to Heal Yourself

1. What does it mean to “heal yourself”?

Healing yourself is a holistic process that involves addressing emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of your well-being. It’s about recognizing and releasing past traumas, negative patterns, and limiting beliefs, fostering self-love, and embracing a journey of personal growth and spiritual awakening.

2. How can I start my healing journey?

Begin by acknowledging your emotions and experiences without judgment. Reflect on areas of your life that may need healing and set an intention to grow from them. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals, and consider incorporating practices like meditation, journaling, and mindfulness to enhance self-awareness.

3. What role does self-love play in healing?

Self-love is a cornerstone of healing. It involves accepting yourself with kindness and compassion, treating yourself with the same care you would offer a loved one. By cultivating self-love, you create a nurturing environment for healing and empower yourself to break free from self-destructive patterns.

4. Can spiritual practices aid in the healing process?

Yes, spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and energy healing can be powerful tools for self-healing. They help you connect with your inner self, tap into higher consciousness, and find a sense of purpose. Incorporating these practices into your routine can enhance your overall well-being.

5. How do I deal with setbacks on my healing journey?

Setbacks are a natural part of the healing process. Approach them with patience and self-compassion. Reflect on what triggered the setback, learn from the experience, and use it as an opportunity for further growth. Seek support from your community, and consider adjusting your self-care practices as needed.

6. Is forgiveness important in the healing process?

Forgiveness, both of yourself and others, is a vital aspect of healing. Holding onto resentment and guilt can impede progress. Practice forgiveness as a way to release negative energy, free yourself from emotional burdens, and open the door to inner peace.

7. How can I integrate self-love into my daily life?

Incorporate self-love practices into your daily routine. This can include positive affirmations, self-care rituals, and setting boundaries. Prioritize activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, and remember that self-love is an ongoing process that requires consistent nurturing.

8. Can healing yourself positively impact relationships with others?

Absolutely. As you heal and grow, you’ll likely find that your relationships transform as well. By fostering self-love and emotional well-being, you’ll be better equipped to establish healthier connections and contribute positively to the well-being of those around you.

9. How do I know if I need professional help on my healing journey?

If you find that your healing journey is particularly challenging, seeking professional support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Therapists, counselors, and spiritual guides can provide valuable insights, tools, and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

10. Is there a timeline for healing, or is it a lifelong journey?

Healing is a continuous, lifelong journey. There is no fixed timeline, as everyone’s path is unique. Embrace the process, celebrate your progress, and remember that healing is not about reaching a destination but about evolving and becoming the best version of yourself.

So that’s how you practice self-healing in daily life and learn to feel worthy again.

Forgive Yourself & Let Go Of The Past

Forgiveness is a process. It does not happen over night and the process will be different for everyone.

But no matter how long it takes, there’s hope! Here are some steps you can take toward that journey:

1. Become clear on your morals and values as they are right now.

The reason most of us feel guilt or shame for actions done in the past is because those actions are not in line with our current morals and values. Our past wrongs can actually clue us in to what we hold important. By identifying our morals and values, we start to get a clearer picture as to “why” we’re hurting over what we’ve done, or what others did to us.

2. Realize that the past is the past.

This seems fairly straightforward, but when we can really wrap our head around the fact that we can’t undo the past, the past is done, those things happened, we open ourselves up to more acceptance. Increased acceptance can lead to the emotional healing we are all looking for.

3. Create a “re-do.”

Never underestimate the power of a “re-do”. Write down how you would have done things differently if you could go back and do it again. In doing so, we affirm that we not only learned from our past mistake, but that if we had the skills we have now, back then, we would have done things differently.

4. Realize you did the best you could at the time.

The way we respond depends on the skills we have, the frame of mind we’re in, and how we perceive the situation at that moment. Maybe we didn’t have as much objectivity, or acted out of survival or protection mode. Maybe we’d let stress build up, which put us at a higher risk of responding poorly. Whatever the factors, cut yourself a break. If you learn from it, it was never in vain.

5. Start acting in accordance with your morals and values.

The best thing you can do for yourself in order to forgive is start replacing the negative behavior and thoughts with more appropriate ones that are congruous with your morals and values. By so doing, you reaffirm to yourself that you can handle situations in the way you want to. This can lead to a sense of pride, which is a huge part of building self-esteem.

6. Identify your biggest regrets.

When I work with clients on moving on from their past, it can be very overwhelming for them because they see so many regrets. It’s often helpful to categorize these things because people often only hold on to a handful of big categories/patterns. Working on patterns of behavior is often more helpful than working on individual regrets.

7. Tackle the big ones.

There may be some regrets that don’t seem to improve, and they’re going to require some extra work. I call it “clearing your conscience.” This means it might take bringing this regret into the room and apologizing for your past mistake.

8. Turn the page.

At some point, you have to accept that the past has happened and you’ve done everything in your power to amend past mistakes. It’s now time to turn the page and accept those events as part of your story. They’ve all contributed to making you who you are. Being grateful for those experiences allows you to move on and truly forgive yourself.

9. Cut yourself some slack.

When we learned how to ride a bike, most of us realized it would probably take a few tries before achieving perfection. New behavior and thinking patterns are no different. They’re both skills. Cut yourself some slack while you’re on a new learning curve. Realize that you’re going to make mistakes. We all do.

10. Move toward self-love.

The last step in building self-esteem is moving toward loving yourself. Think kind thoughts toward yourself and show yourself some compassion. If we can learn to think of ourselves as our best friend, to speak to ourselves with love and kindness, and put ourselves as a priority, it reaffirms that we believe we are worth it. Engage in psychotherapy or coaching if you need some outside perspective in this area. Seek books on this subject. Surround yourself with supportive people.

You are more than your past mistakes, and I promise you, you are so worth it!!

We offer you a two day forgiveness course in Cape Town, Johannesburg, New York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Los Angeles, Chicago, Ontario, ‎Dublin and Auckland.